Temos apie gamintojus, apie jų gaminamų peilių naujienas, senienas ir kitokias ypatybes...
Atsakymo rašymas

_Vladas_ rašė: Silkinas rašė:

2010-06-13- 11:27

_Vladas_ rašė:
Silkinas rašė:
_Vladas_ rašė:
Silkinas rašė:Kažkodėl įsivaizduoju save šiuo peiliuku tepant sviestą ant duonos. Na o po to jau turėtų ir pasekmės prasidėti :)

Perfrazuosiu žinomą posakį: "Sviestu peilio nesugadinsi..." XD

Matai, kolega, peilių tai daug, o nagai vieni :)

O kam į sviestą kišti nagus? :/ :D

Tamsta kaip visada teisus. Šiuolaikinį sviestą geriau TIK VALGYTI.

TerMind rašė: _Vladas_ rašė:

2010-06-13- 20:25

TerMind rašė:
_Vladas_ rašė: Ti-Lock užraktas nors ir sumontuotas ant geležtės, bet veikia tuo pačiu principu kaip "beck-lock", tad ir patikimumas teoriškai turėtų būti toks pat. ;)

Jau greičiau panašumas su tarybiniams peiliukams būdinga spyruokliuojančia rankenos nugarėle, tik čia dar papildomas "dantis" tvirtesniam fiksavimui. Ir sviesto su juo geriau netepti - bus sunku išvalyti iš tarpo tarp geležtės ir spyruoklės :)

Mindaugai, atkreipk dėmesį, kad "danties" ašis yra žemiau rankenos krašto, tad esant statiniam krūviui užrakto spyruokliavimas net teoriškai negalimas.

Teoriškai galėtų spyruokliuoti nuo smūgio geležtės pemtimi, bet nemanau, kad projektuojant užraktą į tai neatsižvelgė. Bent jau iki šiol Gevino užraktai būdavo suprojektuoti profesionaliai.


Na, o tai, kad atviras ir ant geležtės sumontuotas užraktas neatsparus teršalams - akivaizdu. ;)

Garrett Lucas

2010-06-26- 4:55

Garrett Lucas įrašytas interviu su Chris Reeve (anglų k.)


N.B.: garso failas (mp3) gan didelis - 27,4 MB (60 min)

Tiems, kas yra registruotas

2010-07-17- 3:29

Tiems, kas yra registruotas BladeForums dalyvis ir domisi CRK peiliais - siūlau perskaityti Chris Reeve paaiškinimą.

Nors, gal būt verta pacituoti ir tiesiogiai čia:

Chris Reeve rašė:

Some words from Chris......

In recent months, there have been so many threads and individual posts that, either by allusion or directly, question our knives, our integrity, our choice of materials, our workmanship, our designs – well, almost everything that is Chris Reeve Knives. I thought I would make one statement that outlines some of my philosophy, reviews some facts and responds to issues rather than to try to post individual answers.

am not super-human; I make mistakes, mis-quotes and mis-judgments right along with the next person. I am passionate about my knives and my company. I have been involved in manufacturing for 38 years. I apprenticed as a Tool and Die maker and worked in that trade for 13 years before becoming a full time knife maker. I made my first knife in 1975. I tell you all of this to endorse the fact that the majority of my life has been spent in studying and working with steels, knives and cutting edges. That I have the ability to design knives is a bonus, and is an area at which I have worked hard. I believe in simple mechanisms designed to function optimally, with the closest attention to engineering detail and with the best available materials. In the 26 years of Chris Reeve Knives, these characteristics have been the foundation of this small company that we humbly recognize as a leader in the knife industry. I adamantly support manufacturing in the United States and, unless absolutely unavoidable, will use only US made products. 

Whenever I design a knife, and particularly a folding knife, I spend hours and hours working through every conceivable variable the knife might present, and I spend hours with our machinists who contribute ideas and criticisms. So, when we introduce a knife to the market, there has been extensive research into materials, blade hardness, geometry of blade and cutting edge, ergonomics of the handle, relationship between thumb lug and pivot, lock mechanism, style of the thumb lug, size of the pivot bearing etc. etc. etc. Because of this, we have no qualms about offering an exceptional warranty on our knives and we support our products with the kind of customer service I, personally, like to receive.

I well understand that the forums are an arena for discussion and I fully understand freedom of speech. I am always willing to hear discussion about customer’s experiences with our knives, their likes and dislikes, their compliments and criticisms. I also fully understand what our knives will withstand and what causes them to perform at levels lower than expected. I have no desire to call out by name those people who modify a knife and then decry it’s performance; I have no wish to cast aspersions as to any one person’s obsessive behavior that keeps them opening and closing a knife compulsively to the detriment of the knife; I have no wish to comment when a particular poster is reporting absolute conjecture, or nonsense, or extrapolated speculation. I do ask that if anyone has a problem with our products, they contact us before exploding a thread on the forum. In all honesty, monitoring and replying to every thread is far more time consuming than we are able to support.

On the strength of the above, here are some facts, opinions, clarifications and specs:

· Any of our folding knives, assembled correctly, will open and close smoothly. Remember that they are intended as robust, working knives and they will not feel the same as many other folding knives. When opening a Sebenza or Mnandi, use a sideways, sweeping motion with the side of your thumb against the lug. The Umnumzaan opens by pushing the lug forward, parallel with the handle, with the top of your thumb.

· The lock should engage at between 50% and 75% of travel. With the Umnumzaan, because the interface between the blade and the lock bar is a ceramic ball, it is the ball that must be at 50 – 75%. This will give the visual that the lock bar is further over than with a Sebenza.

· The tension on the lock bar of every knife is set at our workshop. There should be no need to reset that tension. 

· All screws should be snugly tightened down onto the pins – there is no need for Loctite, nor is it necessary to super-torque the screws down. (Exception - see comments on Umnumzaan pivot.)

· With the Umnumzaan, Loctite is necessary in the pivot assembly. The threads in this assembly are machined to very close tolerance; the drop of Loctite gives additional rigidity. It also prevents the pivot from backing off. Loctite is an accepted engineering screw retention substance used in a wide variety of industrial applications including medical, electronics, automotive and aerospace. We do not “glue” our knives together. Extensive thought went into all aspects of this pivot assembly – it did not happen by accident.

· My choice to change our folding knife blade steel to S30V was thoroughly thought through, as was the selection of RC hardness 58-59. I was privileged to be involved in the development of S30V with the metallurgists at Crucible Steel – they asked what attributes I wanted in a steel and they delivered. At RC 58-59, the blade will hold a good edge and will be easy enough to sharpen. One of our tests resulted in S30V cutting 14,000 linear inches of e-flute cardboard before notable edge wear against 12,000 for BG42. I have been completely satisfied with the performance of S30V.

· There should be no blade play; there should be no lock movement. If there is, something is out of spec and the knife should be returned to us for inspection. The causes are probably a result of incorrect assembly or modification of the lock. There is the possibility that left our shop that way – we are not infallible – but we know these instances are few and far between and we will take care of the situation.

· What is the purpose of a spine whack test? Folding knives are designed to cut when the blade is open. They are designed to be stored when the blade is closed. They are not designed to be hit on the back of the blade, or to be used as hammers. I assume there is some theory that this will test the strength of a lock but it is a test with no valid function.

· Our knives are not designed as rapid deploy weapons or as worry beads but as cutting instruments. 

· Our knives are precision instruments. Treat them as such. In other words, perform maintenance and cleaning periodically and they will operate safely and efficiently for a life time.

· Any manufactured item can be destroyed. “Testing” products in outrageous and unrealistic circumstances provides no useful result. The knee-jerk reaction from many viewers is usually inflammatory and results in unrealistic negative assumption of the abilities of the product. Before accepting such testing as gospel, please think about it.

· If you have a problem with our product, whether perceived or real, please contact us first. We always respond as soon as we can to email and telephone calls. The progression of a post on a perceived problem usually sets in motion all kinds of extrapolation, criticism and negative comment that benefits no one, least of all us. This is a public forum – what is posted here can be read by absolutely anyone, so think about what you say. 

Response to a specific thread: “CRK Heat Treat” thread with a quote from an article posted on our website. The article’s author misquotes me when he cites 61-62 RC. We treated BG42 to 60-61RC. I appreciate knowing about this misquote – it has been a long time since that article was published! The article will be withdrawn from our site.

And in conclusion, I give my sincere thanks to the many dedicated and passionate, interested and not-so-interested readers of our forum. By and large, it is a lively place with good discussion and ideas! To those who own our knives, thank you for your loyalty and your trust in Chris Reeve Knives. Without you, we would not be here!



Paprastai ir aiškiai

2010-07-17- 21:51

Paprastai ir aiškiai :)

Liūdna žinia - šiandien mirė

2010-07-28- 21:07

Liūdna žinia - šiandien mirė Chris Reeve tėvas Stan Reeve, kuris viešėjo pas sūnų. :(
Chris jį atskraidino iš gimtinės (Pietų Afrikos) į šiemetinį Blade Show, vykusį birželio 4-6 d., kad 93 metų tėvas pats pamatytų ir pasidžiaugtų kiek daug pasiekė jo sūnus.
Mano užuojauta Chris ir Ann...

: (

2010-08-05- 11:37

: (

2011 naujiena

2010-08-05- 11:38

2011 naujiena

Bozkurt rašė: 2011

2010-08-05- 12:16

Bozkurt rašė:

2011 naujiena

Na, tikiuosi kad gal IWA-2011 jau ir pačiupinėsim... ;)

Butu cool : )

2010-08-05- 12:46

Butu cool : )

CRK mažieji

2010-08-10- 2:31

CRK mažieji ištisiniai: Inyoni, Nyala ir Mountaineer I :)

10x7redCRK 004.jpg

Kiekvienas iš jų turi savo paskirtį ir iš to išplaukiančius privalumus ir trūkumus. Kaip manot - kokius? ;)

Užmiršau dar vieną

2010-08-10- 2:52

Užmiršau dar vieną mažylį - Profesional Soldier (šalia palyginimui - Neil Roberts Warrior)


Kiek žinau, Mountaineer ir

2010-08-10- 7:41

Kiek žinau, Mountaineer ir kiti tos serijos peiliai gaminami iš vieno metalo strypo. Ašmenys išfrezuojami, o rankenoje ištekinama ertmė "išgyvenimo" rinkinukui. Po to ji užsukama dangteliu. Peilis maksimaliai tvirtas tarp tokio tipo "išgyvenimo" peilių. Trūkumai - šalta ir apvali ranena. Dėl svorio ir balanso nežinau - rankose nelaikiau... Ai, ir dar vienas trūkumas - pametus peilį kartu pamesi ir tuos "kabliuku-degtukus", kurie bus jo rankenoje. Bet čiau jau pačios tokio peilio idėjos trūkumas.

Trūkumai gal būt atsiskleistų

2010-08-10- 8:24

Trūkumai gal būt atsiskleistų tik po ilgo naudojimo, ir tai manau, kad daugiau fiziologiniai, asmeninio pobūdžio (pvz. rankenos patogumas Inyoni).
Asmeniškai man teko trumpai rankose vartyti Profesional Solder;į - įspūdis labai geras, net be virvės rankena patogiai sėdi rankoj (malonau nei "nuogo"Kabar ar Rat.

Nyala mano galva išgyvenimui

2010-08-10- 18:07

Nyala mano galva išgyvenimui labiausiai tinkamas. Kiti du man susižavėjimo nekelia. Inyoni perdaug mandrai pagamintas, o rankena išvis kažkokia nevykusi. Na o Mountaineeris tai į kalnus visai netraukia-prišals prie rankos :)
Atsakymo rašymas